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you’re my lucky
my last cigarette

to my lips
you're a soft touch
nothing you do
could ever be too much

I lean into you for a drag
reach into my bag 
searching a light
how lonely are winter nights

when you're all I crave

as I breathe you in
you're my final guilty sin
you're lodged in my lungs
my fingers shake numb

how many breaths have passed
I've reached the end
you're my last

I'm left with your mark on me
how lucky that 
a burn remains hot and wet
where you placed a kiss on my left cheek

how much it now aches to be free
of your burn and your kiss 
and your love for me

it hits me as I throw away the empty pack
but there’s no turning back
my lips still long for your toxins
just like the first night 
i let you in

my love 
what have I done
I've turned a cigarette into a smoking gun

the ringing in my ears grows louder
my hands covered in white powder

I loved my cigarette with a touch so soft
now you’re gone
my lips are frozen shut
winter nights cover them in frost

my lucky

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